Friday, August 31, 2012

Hiv and Aids - Myth Vs medicine

Conventional rehabilitation has spent billion in study focusing on a virus that by itself does not cause the disease. Meanwhile, alternative doctors have quietly made excellent develop in treating Aids.

A few years ago, the leader of an African nation was universally attacked in the world press for being an "enemy of the people," espousing a procedure of "genocide" and letting "babies die in pain."

Was this a monster supporting terrorists, experimenting with weapons of mass destruction or waging war on minorities in his country? No, it was Thabo Mbeki, president of South Africa.

His "crime" was suggesting that his country quote the security of Aids drugs.

Then, adding fuel to the controversy, in March 2000, President Mbeki invited about 30 Hiv-Aids researchers to his presidential Aids panel in Pretoria, including two American biochemists, Peter Duesberg and David Rasnick.

These two Ph.D.s from the University of California at Berkeley are vocal dissidents of accepted reasoning about Hiv and Aids.

It is clear that Mbeki is no monster, but is he misinformed and misguided to quiz, the security of Aids drugs and the absolute equation Hiv = Aids?

It was April 23, 1984, when Robert Gallo, M.D., of the National Cancer Institute, announced that he had found the "probable cause of Aids." It was, he said, a new retrovirus that he named Htlv-Iii (human T-cell lymphotropic virus Iii), which was later renamed Hiv.

Gallo's evidence for this claim was not the actual isolation of a virus, but the detection of antibodies in most but not all Aids patients that he and his colleagues had analyzed. (It turned out that Luc Montagnier, M.D., of the Pasteur design in Paris, had provided Gallo with sample virus evidence the previous year, and is now given credit as the "co-discoverer of Hiv.")

So great was the nightmare and hysteria surrounding Aids that this declaration was immediately greeted not as a probable hypothesis but as fact by the media and public.

There were protests from the very outset over this leap of faith, however, voiced by some very foremost researchers. One of them was Kary Mullis, Ph.D., who received the 1993 Nobel Prize in chemistry for the invention of the Polymerase Chain Reaction test, a mainstay of Aids study technology. In 1992 he stated, "Nobody in their right mind would jump into this thing like [Gallo et al.] did. It had nothing to do with any well-considered science. There were some citizen who had Aids and some of them had Hiv not even all of them. So they had a correlation. So what?"

Actually, scientists from prestigious institutions all over the world pointed out many inconsistencies and contradictions in the "Hiv = Aids" theory. But, as Mbeki himself stated in a letter he wrote to then - President Clinton, there was a "campaign of intellectual intimidation and terrorism" akin to "medieval book-burning" to keep alternative theories about the causes of the disease from being heard.

There are two so-called Aids tests the Elisa (enzyme related immunosorbant assay) and the Western Blot test. Neither of these tests detect the virus; they detect antibodies that the body can furnish in response to a estimate of stimuli. False Hiv positives have been caused by at least 66 documented unrelated condition conditions, medications and other factors, including food allergies, vaccinations, blood transfusions, proteins on test filter paper and a host of other viruses, bacteria and parasites.

Note also that antibodies are not a sign of an active infection or disease. They are only a sign that at one time our body produced an immune response to an antigen.

There were and are other cogent technical arguments against the Hiv = Aids theory, coming from internationally famous pathologists and virologists. There are, for example, human populations who test Hiv clear but never design any symptoms of Aids. Dr. Mullis references a United Nations study: "The World condition society studied prostitutes in a puny coastal African country above Liberia. They found that 75% of the prostitutes were Hiv-positive and incredible that five years later half of them would be dead. In five years they came back and there were no bodies to count. Still the positives are Hiv positive, according to their tests."

Further, in animal studies, there are more than 125 chimpanzees that were inoculated with the Aids virus more than 15 years ago who have never advanced Aids.

The Hiv = Aids law violates the basic standards used to resolve either a single organism causes a specific disease. These rules are called "Koch's Postulates," and were established over 100 years ago by German bacteriologist Robert Koch (pronounced "Koke"), who considered the causes of tuberculosis, anthrax and other diseases.

These rules are:

The suspected organism has to be present in each and every case of the disease, and in sufficient quantities to cause disease; The agent cannot be found in other diseases; After isolation and propagation, the agent can induce the disease when transmitted to someone else host.

Hiv fails all three postulates: It is not present in every Aids-like disease; it is not found in one but in 30 clear diseases; and chimpanzees inoculated with Hiv have consistently failed to design Aids, even after as long as 15 years.

What this points to is that there are cofactors other than Hiv that are critical to cause Aids that Hiv by itself does not cause Aids. Even Dr. Montagnier, the co-discoverer of Hiv, stated at the Sixth International discussion on Aids in 1990 that he no longer believed Hiv by itself could cause Aids without the help of one or several cofactors.

Yet all accepted medical study has focused on killing or preventing the replication of Hiv. And, as President Mbeki observed, no vaccine has been advanced and no cure has been found, nor is one even in sight.

Some may argue that with very active combination antiretroviral therapy (Haart) the famous Aids cocktail of protease-inhibiting drugs that suppress the replication of Hiv life expectancies have dramatically increased.

Isn't this proof that Hiv causes Aids? One must ask, however, is the general delay in the onset of Aids symptoms following Hiv infection due to these drugs, or are other factors at work? In fact, some alternative physicians who have success treating Aids use anti-Hiv drugs very judiciously both to minimize toxicity and to avoid creating resistance and use drugs not as the customary modality but as an adjunct to other therapies.

Jon D. Kaiser, M.D., of Marin County, California, is one such physician. He has treated Hiv infections and Aids patients in his inexpressive custom for 15 years. Dr. Kaiser's book, published in 1999, is medical Hiv: How to Rebuild Your Immune System.

Dr. Kaiser does believe that Hiv is substantially complicated in Aids, but he uses antiviral drugs with the lightest touch possible. He practices what he calls a comprehensive medical program, which consists of customized recommendations from each of seven categories:

1. Diet;
2. Vitamins and nutritional supplements;
3. Herbs and acupuncture;
4. Individualized exercise programs;
5. Stress reduction;
6. Hormone balancing and
7. Medical therapies (including antiviral and anti-Hiv drugs).

How prosperous is Kaiser's program? Kaiser boldly states that "the progression of Hiv disease in my custom is an very rare event." during the past five years, he says, caring for 500 Hiv-positive patients, not one patient who came to see him with a Cd4 (T cell) count of greater than 300 cells per cubic millimeter of blood has progressed to below that level, and not one patient who came to him with a Cd4 count of greater than 50 has come to be seriously ill or died from an Hiv-related illness.

Dr. Kaiser says that many of his patients "feel better now than they ever have during their entire lives. This holds true either they are taking antiviral drugs or not." Most citizen with Hiv, he says, can now hope to live normal, salutary lives for what amounts to a general lifespan.

How is this possible? One foremost thing to remember is that citizen don't die of Aids: They die of any of 30-odd conditions to which Aids makes them susceptible by degrading their immune systems. All these diseases existed before the term Aids was coined and Hiv was discovered. If person dies who has one or more of these conditions and is Hiv positive, their death is called an Aids fatality. However, if person with one or more of these conditions dies who is not Hiv positive, then that death is ascribed naturally to the condition itself.

Among Hiv-positive people, the onset of Aids and the manifestations of the disease vary enormously but do show clear patterns that correlate strongly with lifestyle. Drs. Duesberg and Rasnick, for example, claim that recreational and pharmaceutical drug use is a tasteless denominator for more than 95% of all American and European Aids patients.

Further, their data shows that different drugs seem to cause clear Aids-related diseases. For instance, they claim that nitrite inhalants ("poppers," extensively used by gay men in the '70's and '80's) cause Kaposi's sarcoma (cancerous skin lesions only rarely seen in heterosexuals); cocaine causes weight loss; and Azt causes immunodeficiency, lymphoma, muscle atrophy and dementia.

There are doctors and researchers who believe that antiretroviral drugs can also do more harm than good.

"I have a large citizen of citizen who have chosen not to take any antiretrovirals," says Donald Abrams, M.D., director of the Aids schedule at San Francisco general Hospital. "They've watched all their friends go on the antiviral bandwagon and die."

Whether alternative doctors use antiretroviral drugs as part of their therapy or not, addressing drug use and the immune law damage it causes is as foremost or even more foremost than addressing the Hiv itself. This is a basic unlikeness between accepted and alternative medicine. accepted rehabilitation treats the symptoms of disease, while alternative rehabilitation treats the patient.

The disease syndrome we now call Aids first came to our concentration as an epidemic in the gay community. It was, in fact, originally called Grid Gay-Related Immune Deficiency. The Hiv virus was spread straight through sexual caress (and also among intravenous drug users who shared needles). Many gay men in the '70s and '80s practiced a lifestyle that included frequent recreational drug use and multiple sex partners with the concomitant sexually transmitted diseases and use of antibiotics. (Semen itself is antigenic [provoking an immune-response], and when received in quantity is immunosuppressive.) All of these factors severely compromise the immune system, leaving individuals with few natural resources to control infections.

Aids in Africa, however, is an entirely different story. There, Hiv is epidemic throughout the entire population. The immunosuppressive agents for Africans are not drugs or promiscuity but malnutrition and the nearnessy of bacteria and parasites, comprehensive because of a lack of social condition clean measures.

Thus, Hiv-positive Africans design Aids at a different rate than Americans or Europeans. Duesberg states that in Africa, one Aids case is diagnosed for every 300 Hiv positives, while in the United States the ratio is one Aids case for every 20 Hiv positives. He ascribes American Hiv positives' 15-fold greater Aids risk to Western's medicine's trust on toxic anti-Hiv drugs.

Neither do Africans normally die of the same Aids-related illnesses as Americans and Europeans do, such as pneumocystis pneumonia. In Africa, Aids normally manifests as a wasting disease, consistent with the diarrheal infections and malnutrition present there.

Thus it was that President Mbeki was not inclined to combat his country's Aids epidemic by meekly purchasing millions of dollars' worth of Azt. Instead, he insisted that the basic issue for South Africa was one of poverty, which caused malnutrition and sanitation problems.

I have been aware of these facts for many years. In 1994 I published a book with Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O., You Don't Have to Die: Unraveling the Aids Myth. In its preface we stated -

We do not believe, based on the evidence we have seen and which we will outline, that Hiv is a sufficient single cause of Aids. Nor do we believe that being Hiv-positive leads inevitably to Aids, or that Aids is necessarily irreversible. We do believe that enhancement and modulation of immune function presents an chance for saving of health. We sincerely believe that this approach will be increasingly adopted as the Hiv myth is discredited, and that we will look back and wonder why billions of dollars have been wasted in Hiv-oriented research.

Currently, almost 7,000 citizen worldwide die of Aids every day. At least their deaths are attributed to Aids. In reality, they had tested clear for Hiv and died of any of 30 Aids-related diseases. Given the acknowledged unreliability of Hiv testing, however, this estimate could be wildly off.

Nevertheless, 7,000 citizen die each day of something that accepted medical rehabilitation couldn't help or quite maybe helped bring on. We do have the knowledge and techniques to forestall this from happening, but not if we stay with the bankrupt reasoning that Aids is one disease with one cause that will be cured with one drug.

In seeing for the origin of Aids in Africa, researchers found that large populations of apes and wild cats were infected with "Aids-like" viruses that had the potential to destroy their immune systems. The animals' blood was full of these viruses, killing critical numbers of blood cells, but they never manifested any disease symptoms. What does this tell us about the nature of these retroviruses, which many researchers claim could never wreak all the damage that is ascribed to them?

Hiv is naturally a virus, like hundreds of other viruses we've lived with for as long as humanity has been on the planet. Most citizen have been exposed to influenza viruses, cytomegalovirus, herpes and Epstein-Barr. It is all but impossible to eradicate these infections; they can only be controlled.

They do their damage when our immune systems are not up to the task. Trying to cure diseases by focusing on the development of toxic pharmaceutical drugs aimed at killing the viruses related with them will finally make us all more vulnerable to new diseases.

Without a paradigm shift in the way we approach Aids, our money and time will not only be wasted, but could do more harm than good.

she said Hiv and Aids - Myth Vs medicine she said

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