Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Legislating preventative health Care Is a Fantasy

###Legislating preventative health Care Is a Fantasy###

Ever since President Obama first started talking about condition care reform, politicians have been talking about preventative rehabilitation by legislation, but it's all bogus.

Kaiser Hospital

Our President said "Simply put, in the absence of a radical shift towards stoppage and communal health, we will not be prosperous in containing medical costs or enhancing the condition of the American people." In my opinion, he's right on. John McCain agreed with him, and said that by emphasizing stoppage we can cut condition care costs.

The qoute is that this idea of legislating preventative rehabilitation in order to cut condition care costs and improve the condition of Americans is a unblemished fantasy. First of all, you need to understand that what they were talking about was national condition care reform, and what we got when it was all said and done is now called the "Patient safety and Affordable Care Act," also known as the Ppaca.

People should understand that the Ppaca is not about condition care at all. It's about condition insurance. There's a difference. Furthermore, there is no condition care model currently run by any insurance enterprise that has whatever to do with preventative medicine. preventative rehabilitation does not currently exist in any form that can be provided by an insurance company, hospital or government.

Kaiser is currently trying to be the insurance enterprise that is connected with prevention, but what do they legitimately do? They saturate the airwaves with commercials where Peggy Bundy talks about blueberries and yoga, but when was the last time Kaiser made you eat a blueberry, or forced you to do yoga? It makes for a great, feel-good Pr campaign, but how will these commercials for something that can't be provided by an insurance enterprise improve the condition of Americans or cut condition care costs like the politicians described when designing condition care reform?

Disease stoppage has nothing to do with rehabilitation or hospitals, and therefore nothing to do with condition insurance, which is a misnomer in the first place, since insurance only pays when you are sick or injured, and legitimately should be called sick insurance.

By the way, mammograms, prostate exams and other screening tests, although a good idea, are not preventative medicine. Mammograms do not forestall breast cancer any more than x-rays forestall broken ankles. Diagnosing a disease in its early stages will improve your rehabilitation outcomes, but is not prevention, so why are we calling it that?

Prevention is about not having a disease or condition in the first place. Disease is prevented by a person's lifestyle, and lifestyle is a choice. Don't take my word for it. Practically every medical doctor agrees that more than 90% of Medicare costs are caused by just a handful of conditions that are preventable, and in some cases even reversible with proper choices in regards to cusine and fitness. The government is not capable of legislating our choices, and therefore unable to legislate prevention.

I'm not trying to be a downer with this post. I just hope that citizen will take all this marketing by insurance associates and speech development by politicians, and see it for what it is. They are telling you the nice things that you want to hear because it makes them look good and you feel good, but they can't deliver. If you are waiting for some change to condition care that is going to make you wake up every morning feeling well rested, salutary and energetic, you are living in a fantasy world.

Health and fitness is like a college degree. Nobody can give it to you, and you can't buy it. You have to earn it, and the payoff is huge. Disease stoppage is just one of the many benefits.

If you are legitimately interested in prevention, and therefore condition and fitness, here are some great resources. You can start here, at the Linus Pauling Institute, which is run by Oregon State University. Start by studying the "Rx for Health." The website will provide you with all of the normal rules, and is not designed to sell you anything.

There are plenty of good blogs out there that give actual recipes using the rules from the Rx for health, and I can give you some specific links if you send me an email. Also, gyms like Fitness 19, right here in Sacramento, have gym memberships for .00 per month, and sometimes less. If you're looking for a personal trainer to get you started on a realistic and helpful workout plan, I'd be happy to recommend a good one in your area.

So give us a call and get started. It'll change your life.

Legislating preventative health Care Is a Fantasy

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