Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Exposing the Damage: Tv and Kids

###Exposing the Damage: Tv and Kids###

There are millions of young children in this
country who are being terribly mistreated by their

Kaiser Hospital

These parents aren't physically abusing their
young children, and they may not even know that
they're mistreating them.

The mistreatment?

Millions of kids under the age of two are watching
Tv in this country. In fact, agreeing to a study
by the Kaiser house Foundation of over 1,000
parents, about 65% of kids under age two are
watching Tv, and they're averaging over two hours
of watching a day.

They're watching even though the American Academy
of Pediatrics recommends no Tv for kids under age
two. They're watching even though this is a
crucial period for their cognitive development, at an
age when their brains are still being formed.

And the news for these kids just got worse.

Scientists at Children's Hospital & Regional
Medical town in Seattle who studied over 2,500
children found a link in the middle of early Tv watching
and attentiveness problems at a later age.

Specifically, the chances of one and three-year-old
kids developing attentiveness problems at age seven
increased by 10% for every hour of Tv watched each

The data from these two studies creates a
chilling photo of what's happening to millions
of toddlers in this country. It's unfair, immoral,
and unjust, and it needs to be addressed.

But you won't see an outcry from the mass media
giants in this country. You see, we live in the
country where "Why Tv is Good for Kids" appeared
as the cover story in Newsweek Magazine in 2002.
The same Newsweek Magazine that's owned by the
Washington Post Company, which owns a sprawling
cable firm and six broadcast stations around
the country.

No, you won't hear too much about these important
studies from the Time-Warners of the world. Bad
for business, you see.

But if you're the parent of a young child, you
need to know this information.

There are about nine million children who take
prescription medication for Adhd in this country.
The whole of kids who take Adhd medication has
been doubling every two years. And while Tv
certainly isn't the culprit in all of these cases,
the link in the middle of the whole of attentiveness problems
and the whole of Tv watched is undeniable.

The days of the "harmless" discussion for Tv and
kids needs to be put to rest. Parents need to be
educated about the very real possibility of
causing future attentiveness problems with their kids.

And young kids over this country need to be
given a fighting chance.

Exposing the Damage: Tv and Kids

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