Friday, August 31, 2012

Know the "New" in health Plans

There are a estimate of companies that contribute health assurance that are within your means, exquisite health assurance policies to meet the needs of the population in today's situation and for that unpredictable tomorrow. And foremost medical plans are intended to somehow save you hard earned money in every possible way. assurance experts are these days listing an n-number of suitable means to procure and rate health assurance Plans that is also known as Med claim procedure obtainable by foremost assurance companies.

There are many policies in the store that would also cover for all operating expenses those are correlated to hospitalization of the client like doctor's payment, room charge, surgical operation cost, and other secondary expenditures. The newly announced policies give the consumers a prearranged indemnity estimate that can be higher than the real expenses met while the procedure of hospitalization.

Policies that take care of all the therapeutic operating price of an private house is known as the private health assurance Plans. An exceptional kind of procedure that covers up hospitalization and sick person department everyday expenditures which also covers Dental treatments charge of medicines and drugs is the health benefit plus Insurance. Solitary policies that procure the hospitalization operating cost of a perfect house are known as Floater Plans.

These are the health plans covers the whole house unit in one single health plan with one sum insured and in just one premium. Someone else foremost health care assurance that covers the operating cost happens owing to life threatening or Major medical Illnesses and actions is called as considerable Care Plans. The considerable care plans does gives coverage alongside death due to mishap and permanent full disablement. The worldwide medical Group gives the out of the ordinary assurance policies to population over than 100,000 citizens all over the world in over 100 countries.

The Visitors medical Plans are the health assurance place offered for a short term for every tourist, along with worldwide tourists, passing inhabitant or population who hold green card who voyage across the world. The procedure makes available medical medicine coverage for ill health or accidental grievance while the time of voyage or while the time tourist stay abroad.

The Patriot Go voyage Plan is cooperative and supportive for the U.S. Citizens and foreign nationals who could do with momentary or short-term medical assurance at the same time as they take a trip for their company purposes or enjoyment wherever outside the country. The thrifty and reasonably priced voyage assurance procedure available for the Non-Us citizens and the general general public in the Us who take a trip outside United States is Patriot Go voyage Plan. A long-term procedure that can be renewed every year, which is also the U.S. Mode main medical assurance plan, is the Global medical Insurance.

what Google did to me Know the "New" in health Plans what Google did to me

Hiv and Aids - Myth Vs medicine

Conventional rehabilitation has spent billion in study focusing on a virus that by itself does not cause the disease. Meanwhile, alternative doctors have quietly made excellent develop in treating Aids.

A few years ago, the leader of an African nation was universally attacked in the world press for being an "enemy of the people," espousing a procedure of "genocide" and letting "babies die in pain."

Was this a monster supporting terrorists, experimenting with weapons of mass destruction or waging war on minorities in his country? No, it was Thabo Mbeki, president of South Africa.

His "crime" was suggesting that his country quote the security of Aids drugs.

Then, adding fuel to the controversy, in March 2000, President Mbeki invited about 30 Hiv-Aids researchers to his presidential Aids panel in Pretoria, including two American biochemists, Peter Duesberg and David Rasnick.

These two Ph.D.s from the University of California at Berkeley are vocal dissidents of accepted reasoning about Hiv and Aids.

It is clear that Mbeki is no monster, but is he misinformed and misguided to quiz, the security of Aids drugs and the absolute equation Hiv = Aids?

It was April 23, 1984, when Robert Gallo, M.D., of the National Cancer Institute, announced that he had found the "probable cause of Aids." It was, he said, a new retrovirus that he named Htlv-Iii (human T-cell lymphotropic virus Iii), which was later renamed Hiv.

Gallo's evidence for this claim was not the actual isolation of a virus, but the detection of antibodies in most but not all Aids patients that he and his colleagues had analyzed. (It turned out that Luc Montagnier, M.D., of the Pasteur design in Paris, had provided Gallo with sample virus evidence the previous year, and is now given credit as the "co-discoverer of Hiv.")

So great was the nightmare and hysteria surrounding Aids that this declaration was immediately greeted not as a probable hypothesis but as fact by the media and public.

There were protests from the very outset over this leap of faith, however, voiced by some very foremost researchers. One of them was Kary Mullis, Ph.D., who received the 1993 Nobel Prize in chemistry for the invention of the Polymerase Chain Reaction test, a mainstay of Aids study technology. In 1992 he stated, "Nobody in their right mind would jump into this thing like [Gallo et al.] did. It had nothing to do with any well-considered science. There were some citizen who had Aids and some of them had Hiv not even all of them. So they had a correlation. So what?"

Actually, scientists from prestigious institutions all over the world pointed out many inconsistencies and contradictions in the "Hiv = Aids" theory. But, as Mbeki himself stated in a letter he wrote to then - President Clinton, there was a "campaign of intellectual intimidation and terrorism" akin to "medieval book-burning" to keep alternative theories about the causes of the disease from being heard.

There are two so-called Aids tests the Elisa (enzyme related immunosorbant assay) and the Western Blot test. Neither of these tests detect the virus; they detect antibodies that the body can furnish in response to a estimate of stimuli. False Hiv positives have been caused by at least 66 documented unrelated condition conditions, medications and other factors, including food allergies, vaccinations, blood transfusions, proteins on test filter paper and a host of other viruses, bacteria and parasites.

Note also that antibodies are not a sign of an active infection or disease. They are only a sign that at one time our body produced an immune response to an antigen.

There were and are other cogent technical arguments against the Hiv = Aids theory, coming from internationally famous pathologists and virologists. There are, for example, human populations who test Hiv clear but never design any symptoms of Aids. Dr. Mullis references a United Nations study: "The World condition society studied prostitutes in a puny coastal African country above Liberia. They found that 75% of the prostitutes were Hiv-positive and incredible that five years later half of them would be dead. In five years they came back and there were no bodies to count. Still the positives are Hiv positive, according to their tests."

Further, in animal studies, there are more than 125 chimpanzees that were inoculated with the Aids virus more than 15 years ago who have never advanced Aids.

The Hiv = Aids law violates the basic standards used to resolve either a single organism causes a specific disease. These rules are called "Koch's Postulates," and were established over 100 years ago by German bacteriologist Robert Koch (pronounced "Koke"), who considered the causes of tuberculosis, anthrax and other diseases.

These rules are:

The suspected organism has to be present in each and every case of the disease, and in sufficient quantities to cause disease; The agent cannot be found in other diseases; After isolation and propagation, the agent can induce the disease when transmitted to someone else host.

Hiv fails all three postulates: It is not present in every Aids-like disease; it is not found in one but in 30 clear diseases; and chimpanzees inoculated with Hiv have consistently failed to design Aids, even after as long as 15 years.

What this points to is that there are cofactors other than Hiv that are critical to cause Aids that Hiv by itself does not cause Aids. Even Dr. Montagnier, the co-discoverer of Hiv, stated at the Sixth International discussion on Aids in 1990 that he no longer believed Hiv by itself could cause Aids without the help of one or several cofactors.

Yet all accepted medical study has focused on killing or preventing the replication of Hiv. And, as President Mbeki observed, no vaccine has been advanced and no cure has been found, nor is one even in sight.

Some may argue that with very active combination antiretroviral therapy (Haart) the famous Aids cocktail of protease-inhibiting drugs that suppress the replication of Hiv life expectancies have dramatically increased.

Isn't this proof that Hiv causes Aids? One must ask, however, is the general delay in the onset of Aids symptoms following Hiv infection due to these drugs, or are other factors at work? In fact, some alternative physicians who have success treating Aids use anti-Hiv drugs very judiciously both to minimize toxicity and to avoid creating resistance and use drugs not as the customary modality but as an adjunct to other therapies.

Jon D. Kaiser, M.D., of Marin County, California, is one such physician. He has treated Hiv infections and Aids patients in his inexpressive custom for 15 years. Dr. Kaiser's book, published in 1999, is medical Hiv: How to Rebuild Your Immune System.

Dr. Kaiser does believe that Hiv is substantially complicated in Aids, but he uses antiviral drugs with the lightest touch possible. He practices what he calls a comprehensive medical program, which consists of customized recommendations from each of seven categories:

1. Diet;
2. Vitamins and nutritional supplements;
3. Herbs and acupuncture;
4. Individualized exercise programs;
5. Stress reduction;
6. Hormone balancing and
7. Medical therapies (including antiviral and anti-Hiv drugs).

How prosperous is Kaiser's program? Kaiser boldly states that "the progression of Hiv disease in my custom is an very rare event." during the past five years, he says, caring for 500 Hiv-positive patients, not one patient who came to see him with a Cd4 (T cell) count of greater than 300 cells per cubic millimeter of blood has progressed to below that level, and not one patient who came to him with a Cd4 count of greater than 50 has come to be seriously ill or died from an Hiv-related illness.

Dr. Kaiser says that many of his patients "feel better now than they ever have during their entire lives. This holds true either they are taking antiviral drugs or not." Most citizen with Hiv, he says, can now hope to live normal, salutary lives for what amounts to a general lifespan.

How is this possible? One foremost thing to remember is that citizen don't die of Aids: They die of any of 30-odd conditions to which Aids makes them susceptible by degrading their immune systems. All these diseases existed before the term Aids was coined and Hiv was discovered. If person dies who has one or more of these conditions and is Hiv positive, their death is called an Aids fatality. However, if person with one or more of these conditions dies who is not Hiv positive, then that death is ascribed naturally to the condition itself.

Among Hiv-positive people, the onset of Aids and the manifestations of the disease vary enormously but do show clear patterns that correlate strongly with lifestyle. Drs. Duesberg and Rasnick, for example, claim that recreational and pharmaceutical drug use is a tasteless denominator for more than 95% of all American and European Aids patients.

Further, their data shows that different drugs seem to cause clear Aids-related diseases. For instance, they claim that nitrite inhalants ("poppers," extensively used by gay men in the '70's and '80's) cause Kaposi's sarcoma (cancerous skin lesions only rarely seen in heterosexuals); cocaine causes weight loss; and Azt causes immunodeficiency, lymphoma, muscle atrophy and dementia.

There are doctors and researchers who believe that antiretroviral drugs can also do more harm than good.

"I have a large citizen of citizen who have chosen not to take any antiretrovirals," says Donald Abrams, M.D., director of the Aids schedule at San Francisco general Hospital. "They've watched all their friends go on the antiviral bandwagon and die."

Whether alternative doctors use antiretroviral drugs as part of their therapy or not, addressing drug use and the immune law damage it causes is as foremost or even more foremost than addressing the Hiv itself. This is a basic unlikeness between accepted and alternative medicine. accepted rehabilitation treats the symptoms of disease, while alternative rehabilitation treats the patient.

The disease syndrome we now call Aids first came to our concentration as an epidemic in the gay community. It was, in fact, originally called Grid Gay-Related Immune Deficiency. The Hiv virus was spread straight through sexual caress (and also among intravenous drug users who shared needles). Many gay men in the '70s and '80s practiced a lifestyle that included frequent recreational drug use and multiple sex partners with the concomitant sexually transmitted diseases and use of antibiotics. (Semen itself is antigenic [provoking an immune-response], and when received in quantity is immunosuppressive.) All of these factors severely compromise the immune system, leaving individuals with few natural resources to control infections.

Aids in Africa, however, is an entirely different story. There, Hiv is epidemic throughout the entire population. The immunosuppressive agents for Africans are not drugs or promiscuity but malnutrition and the nearnessy of bacteria and parasites, comprehensive because of a lack of social condition clean measures.

Thus, Hiv-positive Africans design Aids at a different rate than Americans or Europeans. Duesberg states that in Africa, one Aids case is diagnosed for every 300 Hiv positives, while in the United States the ratio is one Aids case for every 20 Hiv positives. He ascribes American Hiv positives' 15-fold greater Aids risk to Western's medicine's trust on toxic anti-Hiv drugs.

Neither do Africans normally die of the same Aids-related illnesses as Americans and Europeans do, such as pneumocystis pneumonia. In Africa, Aids normally manifests as a wasting disease, consistent with the diarrheal infections and malnutrition present there.

Thus it was that President Mbeki was not inclined to combat his country's Aids epidemic by meekly purchasing millions of dollars' worth of Azt. Instead, he insisted that the basic issue for South Africa was one of poverty, which caused malnutrition and sanitation problems.

I have been aware of these facts for many years. In 1994 I published a book with Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O., You Don't Have to Die: Unraveling the Aids Myth. In its preface we stated -

We do not believe, based on the evidence we have seen and which we will outline, that Hiv is a sufficient single cause of Aids. Nor do we believe that being Hiv-positive leads inevitably to Aids, or that Aids is necessarily irreversible. We do believe that enhancement and modulation of immune function presents an chance for saving of health. We sincerely believe that this approach will be increasingly adopted as the Hiv myth is discredited, and that we will look back and wonder why billions of dollars have been wasted in Hiv-oriented research.

Currently, almost 7,000 citizen worldwide die of Aids every day. At least their deaths are attributed to Aids. In reality, they had tested clear for Hiv and died of any of 30 Aids-related diseases. Given the acknowledged unreliability of Hiv testing, however, this estimate could be wildly off.

Nevertheless, 7,000 citizen die each day of something that accepted medical rehabilitation couldn't help or quite maybe helped bring on. We do have the knowledge and techniques to forestall this from happening, but not if we stay with the bankrupt reasoning that Aids is one disease with one cause that will be cured with one drug.

In seeing for the origin of Aids in Africa, researchers found that large populations of apes and wild cats were infected with "Aids-like" viruses that had the potential to destroy their immune systems. The animals' blood was full of these viruses, killing critical numbers of blood cells, but they never manifested any disease symptoms. What does this tell us about the nature of these retroviruses, which many researchers claim could never wreak all the damage that is ascribed to them?

Hiv is naturally a virus, like hundreds of other viruses we've lived with for as long as humanity has been on the planet. Most citizen have been exposed to influenza viruses, cytomegalovirus, herpes and Epstein-Barr. It is all but impossible to eradicate these infections; they can only be controlled.

They do their damage when our immune systems are not up to the task. Trying to cure diseases by focusing on the development of toxic pharmaceutical drugs aimed at killing the viruses related with them will finally make us all more vulnerable to new diseases.

Without a paradigm shift in the way we approach Aids, our money and time will not only be wasted, but could do more harm than good.

she said Hiv and Aids - Myth Vs medicine she said

Could Tim Russert's Heart assault Have Been Avoided?

Not a trivial or academic question. Time magazine identified the Nbc's Meet the Press moderator and Washington bureau chief as one of the 100 most influential habitancy in world in 2008. His loss at such a young age, 58, is tragic. His ability to make involved topics clear for the public and to ask the hard questions will be missed in this the most historic presidential races in American history.

But was his sudden passing and fatal heart assault an avoidable tragedy? His internist, Dr. Michael Newman, who is affiliated with George Washington healing Center, noted that Mr. Russert died of a
sudden coronary thrombosis, which can occur without warning. Mr.Russert had been diagnosed with asymptomatic heart disease which reportedly was well-controlled with medication and exercise. He passed a cardiac stress test in late April. It seems like he got the standard care.

Yet, our healthcare ideas only provides the right preventive care 55 percent of the time. What healing students know, lowering blood pressure, controlling cholesterol, and arranging age-appropriate cancer screenings, shown to save lives, are not done routinely in this country. The ability of doctors and insurance plans to contribute this basic fundamental care varies by about 20 percent. If one compared the protection doing of the top 10 percent of airlines with the
national average, the ability gap was far less at less than 1 percent.

The National Committee for ability insurance (Ncqa) estimates that had all doctors and insurance plans performed at the level of the nation's top 10 percent that 80,000 Americans, all who had condition insurance, would have avoided premature death. That is twice the number of breast cancer deaths annually. A study of 20,000 patients in 12 Us major cities found that only 68 percent of those with heart disease and only 65 percent of those with high blood pressure received the recommended care developed by master committees.

Unfortunately, one can't assume that the best preventive care is done at university healing centers. A study in California found that the integrated healthcare assosication Kaiser Permanente outperformed both university healing centers and society hospitals in decreasing their
patients' heart assault risk and death by 30 percent. The vertically integrated Va healthcare ideas was also found to outperform society hospitals in caring for diabetics. It consistently ensured its patients got the right medications at the right dosages better that those in the communities colse to them.

It seems that as a country we take for granted the failings of the healthcare ideas which are occurring with alarming frequency. As we mourn the unexpected passing of a great journalist, we should instead ask ourselves whether there were systematic failures in the healthcare ideas that Mr. Russert relied on to keep him well? The goal wouldn't be to find negligence or to recognize scapegoats, as like the aviation industry, the delivery of healthcare is too involved to simply isolate
one person or entity that resulted in the mishap. It is very likely that normal Electric, Nbc's parent company, provided him with condition insurance options that were accredited by Ncqa as perfect in keeping habitancy healthy.

Is it possible, however, that the recommended care wasn't delivered? As our nation struggles with how to make the healthcare ideas more affordable, accessible, and with higher quality, the consider boils down to who is best in determining the right care at the right time. Is the on us on patients? Does the accountability rest on the healthcare industry? It is an foremost conversation our country must have and indeed would have gone better with a skilled moderator like Mr.
Russert. He will be deeply missed.

the original source Could Tim Russert's Heart assault Have Been Avoided? the original source

Are Your Kids Getting adequate Zzzz's?

No.1 Article of Kaiser Medical

Need your morning fix of caffeine-rich coffee or tea? Well, apparently so does a growing whole of middle school children, high schoolers, and college students. It's cheap and trendy, sure, but beneath the wanna-be-cool mentality, like many adults, our kids are not getting enough sleep.

So what, right? There's work to be done and fun to be had, so what unlikeness can missing a miniature shuteye make?

Kaiser Medical


Are Your Kids Getting adequate Zzzz's?

When a toddler skips his nap, irritability is a sure bet-so is a very long afternoon for his caretaker, as any parent will attest. Actually, it's pretty much the same for older kids, too-and then some.

Unfortunately, according to a National Sleep Foundation survey, 90% of American parents think their children are getting enough sleep, but they're wrong. 60% of surveyed high schoolers admitted to feeling "extreme daytime tiredness," and 25% indeed said they fall asleep in class at least once a week.

How much sleep should children be getting? Your 3- to 6-year-old needs between 10 and 12 hours every night, while your 7- to 12-year-old should be sleeping for 10 or 11. As for those 12 and older, they need about 9 hours a night, but...

Sleep Facts:

• 50% of all adolescents get less than 7 hours of sleep on weeknights.

• High school seniors median only slightly more than 6.5 hours of sleep each night.

• Only 5% of high school seniors median 8 hours of sleep each night.

• Children, elementary-aged straight through high school, get about one hour less of sleep each night than they would have 30 years ago-even kindergarteners.

It's happening for a whole of reasons. For instance, according to a recent Kaiser house Foundation study, our 8- to 18-year-olds are spending more than 7.5 hours with their electronic devices every day, up from 6.5 hours five years ago. And that doesn't comprise the median 1.5 hours texting, and an additional one 30 minutes chatting away on their cell phones.

In other words, your child may be upstairs in her bedroom late at night, but she might not be sleeping.

Other reasons for all this sleeplessness:

1. Too many after-school activities, such as music lessons and gymnastics.

2. Athletics-and games that enlarge well into the night.

3. A heavy homework load.

4. Poor use of time and lack of a study/school work schedule.

5. Unenforced bedtimes.

6. School start times.

The price? Our sleep-deprived children are more restless, irritable, and impulsive than their better-rested peers. But that's not all.

Children's brains are a work-in-progress until about the age of 21, so lack of sleep has dramatic consequences on our young people, including:

• Poor academic achievement

• Emotional issues, such as depression, moodiness, and lower self-esteem

• concentration issues

• Weight problems

When it comes to academics, lack of sleep diminishes fluency, problem-solving ability, even creativity. Moreover, a University of Minnesota study of 7,000 high schoolers found that A students sleep about 15 minutes longer than B students, who median 11 more minutes of sleep than C students, who sleep about 10 minutes more than those earning a D. Moreover, those results have been replicated in countless other studies.

Emotionally speaking, a Columbia University healing Center's observe of almost 16,000 teens and their parents found that middle and high school students whose parents don't insist that they bed down before midnight on school nights are 42% more likely to be depressed than those who go to bed by 10:00 p.m. Or earlier. Plus, those late-nighters are also more likely to have had suicidal thoughts in the past year.

As for concentration issues, says Dr. Alan Green, "Add is an important problem in its own right, but explore in sleep laboratories has shown that some (and perhaps a great many) kids are mislabeled with Add when the real problem is chronic, partial sleep deprivation." Moreover, experts agree that even when not misdiagnosed, sleep issues in Add/Adhd children and adolescents should be checked, as sleep problems are reported in 25% to 50% of such cases.

And, yes, lack of sleep can even put on the pounds. Because sleep impacts how we store fat and burn calories, those not getting enough tend to be not just overweight but obese. Moreover, since most school nutrition-education programs have failed-at a cost of a billion dollars annually-and television and other sedentary pursuits have been pretty much ruled out, sleep is getting more concentration as the culprit.

Meanwhile, despite all the evidence, children's sleep needs are seldom part of the equation when it comes to school hours in the United States. 85% of our high schools start before 8:15 a.m., and 35% start before 7:30 every morning.

Despite the fact that elementary-aged kids are commonly up with the sun, their school day doesn't start until 9:05 a.m. Meanwhile, middle school students start at 8:05 a.m, while high schoolers are in class at 7:25 every morning-even though they went to bed much later than their younger siblings.

Does it matter? Oh, yes.

Tel Aviv University's Dr. Avi Saheh, an authority in the field, proved the relationship between sleep and performance after learning 77 fourth and sixth graders, having some bed down about 30 minutes earlier than usual, and the other half, 30 minutes later. His conclusion: "A loss of one hour of sleep is equivalent to [the loss of] two years of cognitive maturation and development." In other words, your slightly sleep-deprived sixth grader is likely to perform more like a fourth grader.

Besides establishing earlier bedtimes, one solution, of course, is to push your school district for a scheduling change.

They've done it in Edina, a Minneapolis suburb, now beginning their high schoolers at 8:30 instead of 7:25 in the morning, and the results have been dramatic. The year before, Sat math and verbal scores averaged 1288 for the top 10% of students. After the switch, the top 10% averaged 1500 on those Sat's.

And when the high school start time in Lexington, Kentucky was moved up one hour, its immature car urgency rate dropped 16%; the rest of the state saw a 9% increase.

In other words, a good night's sleep is important for our kids' condition and well-being, so be sure to set a uncostly bedtime for yours-and stick to it. comprise a miniature wind-down time in the mix, close the blinds against the evening light, and consider putting cell phones on the kitchen counter, since so many children are adept at texting in the dark. Being well-rested helps ensure peak performance all day long.

And don't forget to hit the sack early enough yourself in order to get the important 8-1/2 hours of sleep you need every night. Everybody will be the great for it.

dig this Are Your Kids Getting adequate Zzzz's?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Emf's - The Dangers of contemporary Convenience

Kaiser Harbor City Ca - Emf's - The Dangers of contemporary Convenience The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination Emf's - The Dangers of contemporary Convenience. And the content related to Kaiser Harbor City Ca.

Do you know about - Emf's - The Dangers of contemporary Convenience

Kaiser Harbor City Ca! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

We are immersed in a world of technology, unable to leave from the moment our electronic alarm clocks awake us in the morning until the moment we snuggle under our electric blankets at the end of the day. We have been raised with the luxuries of contemporary appliances to simplify our lives. Few and far in the middle of are the days of by hand labor, as there is a engine to do just about all for us. We live in remarkable times, so distinct from just one hundred years ago. Life is better, right?

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How is Emf's - The Dangers of contemporary Convenience

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Kaiser Harbor City Ca.

Yes in many ways there's no disputing that life is, at the very least, easier. Yet unfortunately, today we are faced with illnesses that were rare if not completely unheard of just a short century ago. While our technology continues to improve us to new heights, very petite attention has been paid to the toll that such feats are exacting on our health. And it was not until very recently that a focus has been placed on the dangers associated with the very "conveniences" that were intended to heighten the ability of our lives.

In the 1970's researchers established a link in the middle of childhood leukemia and electrical power lines, creating an uproar in rural communities over America. It was found that power lines, like all electrical devices, emit electromagnetic fields (Emfs) that had the ability to cause cancer in children. Since this discovery, more researchers have devoted their attention to determining the full extent to which Emfs impact our health. While the study is relatively new, the findings thus far are frightening.

All power operated appliances and machinery, both alternating current (Ac) and direct current (Dc), emit electromagnetic waves. As the electromagnetic waves radiate away from their origin, they decrease in drive rapidly, dropping off approximately completely at about 4 feet. Such electromagnetic fields are measured in terms of Gauss (G) or milligauss (mG), 1/1,000 of a Gauss. The electrical wiring in your home, when operating properly, emits in the middle of 0.5 and 0.9mG. The Epa's recommended security appropriate is 1mG.

Emfs have been associated to a host of health concerns, including miscarriage, birth defects, breast cancer (in both men and women), adult and childhood leukemia, depression, suicide, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease and Als.

Researchers believe that, rather than causing direct harm, Emfs create subtle changes within the body that lead to serious diseases. wide study has been conducted examining the effects of Emfs on a hormone in the body called melatonin. Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland in the town of the brain and controls the sleeping and waking cycles, enhances the immune system, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure and is a potent antioxidant that plays a part in preventing cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, diabetes and heart disease.

Studies indicate that Emf exposure can shut down melatonin secretion in the body. Researchers at the University of North Carolina believe that the decreased levels of melatonin stemming from Emf exposure may cause depression and suicide. When they compared levels of Emf exposure and rate of suicide among more than 5,000 electrical workers and an equal amount of non-electrical workers, they found that the suicide rate of the electrical workers was twice that of the operate group.

Robert P. Liburdy of Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory found that exposure to 12mG Emfs can suppress the ability of both melatonin and the hormone-emulating drug tamoxifen to shut down the growth of cancer cells. Tamoxifen is a artificial estrogen that prevents cancer cell growth by blocking the cell's estrogen receptors. In the breast, this can starve most cancer cells of the estrogen that usually spurs their growth. An exposure to Emfs interferes with the drugs ability to bind to the estrogen receptor, thus chance the door for the cancer cells to proliferate.

Further study indicates that Emfs nothing else but have the ability to alter the hormones estrogen as well as testosterone. Charles Graham, an experimental physiologist at the Midwest study produce in Kansas City, Mo, found that women exposed to 200mG Emfs overnight had significantly elevated levels of estrogen. Elevated levels of estrogen over many years have been shown to growth a woman's risk to breast cancer. In the same study, Graham exposed men to 200mG intermittently over a 3-night duration (on for 15 seconds, off for 15 seconds) and found that it reduced their levels of testosterone, a hormone drop that has been associated to testicular and prostate cancer.

A study released in January 2004 in the Environmental health Science Perspectives journal, indicates that exposure to Emfs from daily household appliances has the ability to alter brain cell Dna. Additionally, Emf exposure increases the amount of free radicals in the body, which wreak havoc on the damaged Dna cells. Researchers, Henry Lai and Narenda P. Singh, found that rats exposed to 60Hz fields, appropriate for Ac (alternating current) power in the Us, for 24 hours had important Dna damage. Those exposed for 48 hours had even greater damage. Both groups experienced "cell suicide" in which a cell self-destructs because it cannot repair itself. Most interestingly, their study suggests that even brief exposure can pose a problem, as it appears damage builds up over time.

In 2001, Dr. DeKun Li who led the study team at Kaiser Permanente's study division, conducted a study on Emfs and their link to miscarriage by analyzing a group of pregnant women in their normal daily environments. Arming each woman with a tool to measure their Emf exposure at distinct points throughout the day, he tracked their pregnancies, focusing on the amount that resulted in miscarriage. His findings revealed that women who were exposed to 16mG or more had 80% more miscarriages than those exposed to less than 16mG. Of the 159 women who had miscarriages, 132 had exposures of 16mG or higher, and of these, 95 said that they had taken measurements on a typical day. Additionally, his study found that for the pregnancies lost while the first 10 weeks of gestation, the risk was close to 6 times that of less exposed women. For women who were judged to be more susceptible to environmental assaults- those who already had 2 or more miscarriages or who had fertility problems- the miscarriage risk was 3 times higher when exposed to 16mG or more.

So what can you do to safe yourself from Emf exposure? The first step is to understand that your house and office are filled with Emf emitting machinery. commonplace household appliances tend to create larger cumulative Emf exposures than power lines. The infer is proximity. As magnetic waves radiate from their source, they come to be weakened. However, within a home or office the appliances and electrical equipment create a combined field that often times exceeds the 1mG standard, creating the inherent for serious health consequences.

You might be surprised to know that some of the most base appliances that you use emit Emfs hundred of times higher than the Epa standard. While Emfs from appliances drop off at about 4ft, most population stand or sit closer than this distance. At 12" away, microwave ovens emit 40-80mG, washing machines emit 2-30mG, electric ranges emit 4-40mG, fluorescent lamps emit 5-20mG and televisions emit .4-20mG. Ironically, the hairdryer, which is generally held intimately to the head, emits in the middle of 60 and 20,000mG at 1.2" away. electric clocks, usually placed on a bedside table, can emit as much as 10mG up to 3 feet away. So for the 8 hours of sleep that you are getting each night, you are being continually assaulted by 10 times the Epa's recommended standard.

It is impossible to live your life without exposure to some Emfs. The Epa recommends "prudent avoidance", which essentially means, put distance in the middle of yourself and the Emf sources. The electric alarm clock next to your bed is most likely sitting right next to your head. Move it to the other side of the room. Electrical blankets lie directly on top of your body and their Emf fields can perforate the body up to 7 inches. Just get rid of them all together. Don't sit too intimately to the television set or stand in front of the microwave while your food is cooking. Hold your blow dryer as far away from your head as possible, or scrap it all together. And most importantly, stay on top of the study on Emfs, as knowledge is power. If you are not able to get answers from your local government about Emf fields colse to your home, query answers. The more that you know about the dangers, the good you can safe yourself and your family.

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company Health, Wealth and Workers

--Kaiser Panorama City of company Health, Wealth and Workers--

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Condensed highlights are only a descry of the many startling accomplishments from the life of this prolific entrepreneur. Many may ask, "What inspires and enables a man to achieve so much in a particular lifetime?" To this ask he has demonstrated the write back in actions as well as his own words. His firm success was founded on a genuine commitment to the workers. From humble beginnings and a romantic quest, he was lifted to astonishing success on the shoulders of the workers and the values that he supported. See if you can recognize this man by his accomplishments before you get to the last paragraph.

company Health, Wealth and Workers

Problems in work clothes . . . .

From his humble beginnings as a cashier in a dry goods shop in Utica, New York, this time to come entrepreneur moved many times in the chase of hardware firm and photography. At an early age he met and feel in love with a girl in New York society. He expressed a desire to marry her, but the girl's father insisted that the young man manufacture himself and become financially carport sufficient to preserve his daughter properly. Thus began a quest that would take him to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where in 1912 he established a road paving firm in Washington state and British Columbia.

By 1914 he won his first California paving covenant and established headquarters in Oakland, California. Demonstrating his prowess as a true leader, he created an innovative administration buildings that stressed good pay for workers. As are follow of motivational compensation, the California road paving covenant was completed under budget and ahead of schedule. This success paved the way for more opportunities in government sponsored programs to build roads and infrastructure.

The workers responded to the supportive administration style with creativity and collaboration. At that time cement powder, four times more fine than cosmetic face powder, was created by a refining process at the quarry and packaged in bags. The bags of cement were then carried by truck to be mixed and poured at the site. The firm engineers designed an improved process that allowed them to refine and mix the cement at the construction site, vastly enhancing the efficiency of the production. This innovative process was used on one of the more notable contracts won by the growing company, the Hoover Dam (Boulder Dam) on the Colorado River. The Hoover Dam is a monument to hard work and creative engineering.

Surrounded by smarter people . . . .

The firm prolonged to win more contracts, including the construction of the Bonneville, Grand Coulee, and Shasta Dams. They built natural gas pipelines in the Southwest, Mississippi River levees and the San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge underwater foundations. The workers were inspired by the relaxation and motivation to manufacture enhanced output techniques, which became notable at the shipyards in Richmond, California, Ryan Point (Vancouver) and the Columbia River in Washington. While World War Ii, the workers used these output techniques to generate one cargo ship every 30 days, rapidly increasing the size of the naval cargo fleet. These concepts for mass output are still in use today. As a means to care for the condition and benefits of the workers at the Richmond, California shipyard, the firm pioneered the idea for a now well recognized Hmo program.

As a real estate magnate, he founded the Honolulu Suburban community of Hawaii Kai, where a social High School still bears his name. He also industrialized a community in Panorama City near Los Angeles.

The entrepreneur prolonged to test his boundaries, and in 1945 he established a new automobile firm in Willow Run, Michigan. output began in abandoned factory that had been used to build aircraft While World War Ii. Ten years later they moved output to plants in Brazil and Argentina. These South American operations were subsequently sold to a Ford-Renault combine. In 1970 he sold the Willy's Motors line of Jeep utility vehicles to American Motors Corporation, and Henry decided to leave the automobile business. As a follow of the transaction, he acquired 22% interest in Amc.

Still involved for the condition and welfare of his employees, in 1948 he established a non-profit, incommunicable operating foundation focused on the major condition care issues facing the workers of the nation. The foundation became an independent voice and source of facts and pathology for policymakers, media, the condition care community and the general public. It is also responsible for numerous hospitals, healing centers and healing schools.

The legacy of dreams against the stars . . . .

Henry spent much of his later life with his wife, his first love from New York society, perfecting the urban scenery he designed in Honolulu. Together they founded the Hawaiian community Hotel, which has become one of the most notable Hilton Resorts in the world. Among other things, this resort contains one of the first commercially practical geodesic domes.

The innovative administration style and worker known commitments began in the small mining town of Eagle Mountain, California. It was the cement plant that created integrated mining and processing operations which first carried the name Kaiser Permanente. Under the caring leadership of Henry J Kaiser, with stress for good pay and condition care to workers, the firm wide into construction, developing communities, the Hoover Dam, aluminum, shipyards, automobiles, and ultimately into the first condition maintenance club that still bears the name, Kaiser Permanente.


Words of Wisdom

"Problems are only opportunities in work clothes."
- Henry J Kaiser

"I make progress by having people colse to me who are smarter than I am and listening to them. And I assume that everyone is smarter about something than I am."
- Henry J Kaiser

"I always have to dream up there against the stars. If I don't dream I'll make it, I won't even get close."
- Henry J Kaiser


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supplier Integration And The coming Of Accountable Care Organizations ("Acos")

No.1 Article of Kaiser Medical

Can financial incentives and doctor practice structures be enlisted o enhance the ability and reduce the cost of healthcare? health Care Reform supporters believe they can and the new Ppaca signed into law by the President recently provides incentives for the amelioration of Acos for Medicare patients. Acos have been described as Hmo's on steroids, but many wonder either they will meet the same fate as the managed care systems of the past that focused on blind leveraged cost reductions and suitable beneficiary choice to achieve profits.

Acos are independent organizations (some virtual) including independent physicians, practice groups, ancillary care providers and hospitals organizing among themselves, without guarnatee companies, for the clinical integration of outpatient care, with peer oversight to assure ability and continuity of care and the mutual sharing of cost savings.

Kaiser Medical

One of the most intractable problems in health care reform relating to both ability and cost is the "cottage industry" nature of medical practice in the U.S. One third of all doctors here function in practices of one or two physicians; 15% in 3 to 5 physicians and 19% in 6 to 50 physicians. They are mostly paid in a fee for services ideas that rewards volume of services and procedures provided with miniature or no concern given to the ability or consistency of performance. The Dartmouth Atlas project at the Dartmouth medical School has for years tracked a wide disparity in medical care across the United States.

supplier Integration And The coming Of Accountable Care Organizations ("Acos")

In 2006, Dr. Elliot Fischer from the Atlas project and others published a paper, "Creating Accountable Care Organizations: The extended Hospital medical Staff" in health Affairs wherein he advocated greater peer coordination and oversight to reduce the costs and growth the ability of care in our health care system. This model requires the productive use of electronic medical records and multidiscipline care terms and a willingness for participants to be routinely assessed and held accountable for performance.

The implementation of Acos wish a great deal of change and assosication in an business largely and historically hyper-invested in the status quo. There is a need for a critical change in the underlying infrastructure of victualer practice which will wish large victualer buy-in, an outcome that cannot be imposed externally. There is a need for the incorporation of technology and best doctor clinical practices into the daily framework of service. There is a need to claim a consistent base of patients over defined periods of time to be able to portion operation longitudinally. There is a need for victualer protection from catestrophic outlier risk and the factory of reachable financial incentives.

That is a lot to chew on, but there can be a lot learned from the successes and failures of Intermountain Health, Kaiser, Geisinger and other integrated service organizations which may be pointing a way to a time to come where the health care business moves haltingly but irrevocably into the industrial, if not the technological age.

over here supplier Integration And The coming Of Accountable Care Organizations ("Acos")

Saturday, August 4, 2012

finding individual and family health assurance in Virginia, Maryland and The District of Columbia

No.1 Article of Kaiser Medical

Individual condition policies are for those who are responsible for their own condition guarnatee expenses. My best hint is that you have a condition guarnatee Broker licensed in your state aid you make the best decision. The coverage you should pick is considered by your single needs and those of your family.

Examples of definite considerations:

Kaiser Medical


finding individual and family health assurance in Virginia, Maryland and The District of Columbia

If your family is young and growing, you will want to think a policy that includes maternity care from the onset.

-Prescription Plans

Some plans have prescription plans that only cover generic drugs while most do cover preferred brands. It is just good to know what you are going to get.

-Doctor Networks

Check and see if your doctor is included. Typically Ppo (Preferred victualer Organization) plans supply the most freedom of selection and greater flexibility as assess to Hmo (Health Maintenance Organization)

-Preventative Care Packages

If you can opt for a plan that includes a deterrent plan without having to first meet a deductible. deterrent Care commonly includes annual Physical, Ob/Gyn Exams, Mammograms, Psa screening and well child care.

-Dental and foresight are pretty prominent but do not allow these to disproportionately affect your Major curative plan decision. If need be get them separately and focus on a condition plan that is solid and that meets your needs.

Value Not Price

Be diligent, assess plans and comb through the outlines of coverage. My miniature rule is that the better guarnatee associates have straightforward and easy to understand plans as opposed to those that gift you volumes of literature and very miniature coverage.


Dc- District Of Columbia Plans

Care First Blue Cross Blue Shield probably offers the most coverage for the best price in Dc. The savings are pretty substantial.

Northern Virginia Plans

Care First Blue Cross Blue Shield and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield both serve Northern Virginia but their territories do not overlap. They both offer very whole and competitively priced plans. Most Plans comprise a nice deterrent box - sense your broker to decide which side of the fence you are on. (Hmo & Ppo) Blue Cross Blue Shield boasts the biggest Ppo network in the Dc metro area.

Kaiser Permanente (Hmo) offer very inclusive and contentious plans in this area too. This company's plans practically always comprise maternity for no extra cost.

Golden Rule (United Healthcare) also offers condition Plans in some Northern Va zip codes. Great Ppo and Hsa plans offered.

Maryland Plans

Care First Blue Cross Blue Shield offers very whole and competitively priced plans. The majority of the Plans comprise the prominent deterrent package. (Hmo & Ppo) Blue Cross Blue Shield boasts the biggest Ppo network in the Dc metro area. Do think the Blue preferred Plan.

Kaiser Permanente (Hmo) offer very inclusive and contentious plans in this area too. This company's plans practically always comprise maternity for no extra cost. This is honestly a popular company in this state.

Golden Rule (United Healthcare) also offers condition Plans in Maryland. These plans are very contentious and the Network is large. Great Ppo and Hsa plans offered.


-Blue Cross Blue Shield Families may realize large savings by submitting separate applications for each individual as opposed to a family application. The savings seem to be most for a two parent (adult)-one child family especially when there is a illustrious age discrepancy in the middle of the parents (adult)

-Blue Cross will accept domestic partner family applications.

-For BlueCross and Kaiser Permanente Quotes go to

-For Golden Rule Quotes go to

the full details finding individual and family health assurance in Virginia, Maryland and The District of Columbia

looking health insurance and Getting the Best, Low Cost Deal

How to find the best, low cost condition insurance plan? I can't tell you how foremost it is to do your homework, and in this record I'll try to help you with some of that homework. You might think condition insurance is all the same, but the devil is in the details and comprehension the details may save you hundreds of dollars.

When you buy condition insurance, just as with any insurance, you are paying the company a monthly fee (insurance premium) to manage the risk of your need for condition care coverage. The more risk the company assumes, the greater the premium. However, you as a consumer, must understand what you are paying for, and you also have to be your own watchdog to some degree and pay concentration that you get what you pay for. At its basic level, condition insurance is the assumption of risk on the part of the company.

Health insurance comes in many separate forms. For example, there is disease insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, catastrophic condition coverage, Cobra insurance, and maternity coverage to name just a few examples. All of these, by the way, are kinds of condition insurance. When you shop for condition insurance you are ordinarily presented with a range of plans that offer separate benefits and and separate levels of coverage. insurance plans are the way the insurance is packaged. The plan is the "bottle" retention the wine, as it were.

Some of the more common kinds of condition insurance plans are the condition Maintenance Organization, or Hmo; the beloved victualer Organization, or Ppo; and the secret Fee for aid Plan, or Pffs. Hmo plans are ordinarily less expensive, but they required that you use only the doctors, hospitals, and other condition care providers who have a contract with the insurance company to contribute service. You are regularly assigned a original care doctor and must get a referral to see a specialist. The plan finally determines either or not you can see a scholar and what services and how many of each aid you may receive. If you are in relatively good condition and have relatively few medical needs, an Hmo might work out for you. If you have a more complicated medial history, you would want to thoroughly explore the insurance company and definite Hmo to be sure they have a dependable record of meeting patients coverage needs. Kaiser Permanente would be an example of a well reputed Hmo, and Kaiser condition Care ordinarily has a good credit throughout the United States where it is offered.

The Ppo is more flexible than the Hmo plan. Ppos may also be a bit more high-priced than Hmos, and that is because Ppos are ordinarily plan to give a higher level of coverage. In Ppos, you are not required to have a original care doctor, and you ordinarily do not need a referral to see a specialist. Ppos have their own network of contracted medical personnel but allow you to go out of the network to see doctors of your own choosing. Now, that costs you more. That means the company provides a lower level of coverage (payment) and make up the balance. Before signing up for a Ppo, it is foremost that check with your providers to decide either they are in the network or will otherwise file claims and accept cost from that particular insurance company. Major insurance companies such as Aetna and Blue Cross Blue shield, Wellmark Blue Cross, and Humana offer Ppo plans as well as Hmo variants.

A Pffs plan is still a kind of managed care, but in the secret fee for aid plan, you go to any doctor or hospital you pick as long as they submit claims to to insurance company and accept payment. In a fee for aid plan, your condition care providers would bill the insurance company a definite fee for each aid provided. What the insurer pays is based on a fee schedule.

When you buy a condition insurance plan, the actual cost of the plan is not only the price of the premiums, deductibles, co-pays and co-insurances. When you shape the real cost, you must also take into notice the reliability of the company in living up to their promise of coverage for the kinds of services that are foremost for you and your family. Thus, a "cheap" plan could end up costing you more if the company doesn't cover the costs specified in the policy. Humana, for example, may offer you less high-priced plans, but if you have to argue with them over meeting the basic agreements in the policy, then the coverage would be useless and the cost to you far greater than you had imagined.

You can find cheap quotes for condition insurance, but the key to a low cost plan is in advent as close as you can to paying only for a relatively few whole of key services. In other words, if possible, you strip the policy of every aid you can maybe do away with and assume as high a deductible as possible. Also, you must verify the reliability of the company because it's foremost that they pay abruptly and without conference should a time of need arise.

their explanation looking health insurance and Getting the Best, Low Cost Deal their explanation

Herbs For Hot Flashes

No.1 Article of Kaiser Medical

No single indication of illness turns more women to estrogen replacement therapy (Ert) than hot flashes. In women who have entered their "perimenopause," the two to seven years before complete menopause when periods are becoming irregular, and in women who have surgical menopause, the sensation of blood rushing to the head followed by heat, dizziness, redness, and profuse sweating is a tasteless occurrence. Herbs, however, can also control the symptom, sometimes as effectively as estrogen.

There are a lot of reasons to avoid Ert. A paper in a 2002 edition of the Journal of the American curative relationship reported the results of a study that tracked 16,608 women for five years. The study found that taking estrogen increased the risk of breast cancer by 26 per cent and upped the rate of stroke by 41 per cent. Ert doubled the rate of pulmonary embolism and tripled the rate of ovarian cancer.

Kaiser Medical

Estrogen replacement does get quick results. Many women know the risks and take it anyway. But women who can stand their flashes for just a few weeks often get continuing results from herbs.

Herbs For Hot Flashes

The best known herb for hot flashes is dong quai. It contains a mixture that keeps blood vessels in the face from opportunity up to rush blood to the head. A study at the Kaiser Permanent Foundation in California found that the herb does not help women who are already on Ert, but other women article good results.

Also used for hot flashes is black cohosh, found in products such as Remifemin. There have been clinical studies that find that black cohosh is indubitably more efficient than estrogen replacement therapy for stopping it, but there is one critical drawback. Black cohosh make take six months to begin to work. A few women feel mild stomach upset when taking this herb.

Hot flashes in women taking estrogen sequestering agents after breast cancer are problematic. There is a Japanese herbal recipe called kami-shoyo-san that often works. It's a standardized, quality-tested, shelf-stable mixture of mixture of angelica, bupleurum, Cornelian cherry, ginger, licorice, mint, moutan, peony, poria mushroom, and white atractylodis root.

Honso Usa sells this recipe under the somewhat odd trade name of Kampo4WomenMindEase in North America. It's also sometimes called Augmented Rambling Powder (referring to a Chinese poem written centuries ago that herbalists plan captured the results of treatment, giving women leisure from hot flashes). This mixture of herbs does not interfere with tamoxifen (Nolvadex) and side effects are not reported.

Many women take soy to relieve hot flashes, but tofu is not what works. The best results come with eating miso and using shoyu or tamari soy sauce. Even good results come with taking soy isoflavones (daidzein + genistein), 100 milligrams a day.

And herbs are not all that women can do to stop hot flashes. Here are some more tips:

Treating constipation with fiber relieves hot flashes by reducing the number of estrogen reabsorbed from bile salts released into the intestine to be mixed with stool. Other methods of improving regularity do not have this effect. The fiber absorbs the estrogen.
Hot peppers trigger a nerve reaction that causes sweating and eye watering when you place them in your mouth. They normally cause cooling, not heat, but women who get hot flashes may still find the reaction unpleasant.
Wearing clothes in layers allows you to take off clothes to cool off without getting chilled or having to undress in public.
Magnets do relieve hot flashes, but a clinical study got some indubitably publishing results. Magnets applied to the accupressure points for hot flashes stopped hot flashes, but fake magnets worked even good than real ones. At least you do not have to worry about finding an high-priced brand.
The accupressure points to relieve hot flashes are the "bubbling springs," smack in the middle of your feet in the middle of the ball of the foot and outer edge, the "third eye" in the middle of your two eyebrows, the "elegant mansion" or the hollow below the collarbone next to the breastbone, the "sea of tranquility" three thumb widths above the bottom tip of the breastbone, and three other points I do not recommend because they can cause damage to bones or, at least in Chinese curative practice, induce uterine contractions. Gentle pressure or magnets applied to these points can sometimes to stop a hot flash.

redirected here Herbs For Hot Flashes

Why Voluntary Benefits Work for Your business As health Care Cost Continue to Rise

These past few years, many small enterprise employers have passed on the rising cost of condition insurance to their employees by expanding deductibles and co-payments, and in some cases, smaller employers have dropped their condition coverage all together. With the economic times changing, how does the hereafter look for condition care cost? Mercer, a human resources consulting firm, predicts that laborer condition care costs will rise 5.4% in 2012.

Health care costs continue to rise faster than inflation. The median cost of a family plan rose 3% from 2009 to 2010, but workers' contributions to family condition coverage jumped 14% as employers attempted to control costs, according to a description by the Kaiser family Foundation.

With these foreseen, statistics, what can you do to control condition insurance benefits cost and keep key employees happy with your benefits offerings?

Small enterprise owners and their employees are looking a more helpful choice to administrate rising condition care expenses. This choice is voluntary insurance benefits. These benefits commonly add no additional cost to the employer, and might sell out corporate taxes by cutting Fica tax contributions. In addition, the adding of voluntary benefits plans to a company's benefits menu helps small businesses heighten their benefits choices while staying within budget or cost constraints.

What is Voluntary insurance Benefits?

Voluntary insurance benefits can vary from dental, pet insurance, primary illness, supplemental health, emergency or hospital indemnity, life insurance, vision and short-term disability. Some of these benefits, if not all, help employees administrate out-of-pocket costs related with serious accidents and illness costs that major medical insurance is not designed to cover. Recipients of these voluntary benefits plans receive cash benefits in the event of an emergency or illness. The benefits can be used to help pay for daily living expenses, such as the mortgage payments, child care, groceries, rent and other medical expenses that may be acquired while the time the insured is out of work.

Traditional medical insurance plans do not cover every charge related to an illness, injury or death. The bills and expenses continue to add up, especially if you have stopped working and your earnings is lost. Voluntary insurance can help you prepare for these and other out-of-pocket expenses. Most of all, these plans help take off the worry of how you will pay your medical and other daily living expenses.

With the rising, cost of condition insurance many small businesses have to cut back on their major medical insurance coverage. With voluntary insurance benefits, employers can now offer a cost-effective supplement to their traditional benefits that will be vital to their enterprise and their employees.

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Coffee's Liver Benefits

No.1 Article of Kaiser Medical

The healthcare society has done its fair share of investigating the effects of drinking coffee, and a subsequent array of condition warnings and encouragements have been issued with regard to its regular consumption.

Since the liver processes all that we ingest, habitancy living with liver disease, along with hepatitis, must be extra vigilant in watching everything entering their digestive system. Coffee is turning heads as a liver cancer and cirrhosis preventative. It has also been noted as a factor in reducing insulin resistance, a foremost liver disease risk factor. The keys to accentuate coffee’s benefits while avoiding any harm are to stay within moderation, be aware of conditions contraindicating its consumption, and be meticulous of what you add to your brew.

Kaiser Medical

“Overall, the research shows that coffee is far more restorative than it is harmful,” says Tomas DePaulis, PhD, research scientist at Vanderbilt University’s develop for Coffee Studies, which conducts its own medical research and tracks coffee studies from nearby the world. “For most people, very wee bad comes from drinking it, but a lot of good.”

Coffee's Liver Benefits

Benefits of Coffee

The latest research confirms that moderate coffee consumption harbors any benefits, including:

· Reduces the risk of alcoholic cirrhosis

· Decreases risk of type 2 diabetes

· Reduces risk of developing gallstones

· Discourages the amelioration of colon and liver cancer

· Improves cognitive function

· Reduces headache/migraine severity

· Reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease

· Improves stamina operation in long-duration bodily activities

· Reduces the risk of liver damage in habitancy at high risk for liver disease

Liver Benefits

In a Japanese study, researchers looked at the relationship in the middle of coffee consumption and liver cancer among the middle-aged and elderly. Those who drank coffee daily, or close to it, had about half the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (Hcc), a type of liver cancer, than habitancy who never drank coffee. Among daily coffee drinkers specifically, the liver cancer rate was over 200 cases per 100,000 habitancy over 10 years. Among those who never drank coffee the rate rose to nearly 550 cases per 100,000 people. The more coffee consumed, the lower the Hcc risk.

Based on data collected from more than 125,000 people, researchers from the Kaiser Permanente medical Care schedule in California recently reported a 22 percent daily reduction of liver cirrhosis risk from alcohol with each cup of coffee consumed. Hepatitis c and other liver disease can also cause cirrhosis. Study co-author, Dr. Arthur Klatsky reports that the study found coffee did not protect the liver against those other causes of scarring.

Several studies have demonstrated that drinking coffee lowers the liver enzyme Ggt, especially among heavy alcohol drinkers. Although Ggt is a relevant indicator of cirrhosis risk, the liver enzyme Alt is a more specific label of liver injury. any population-based surveys from Italy and Japan have found a similar inverse relationship in the middle of drinking coffee and Alt levels.

Diabetes Benefits

Type 2 diabetes and one of its precursors, insulin resistance, have been production headlines in assorted condition reports as a foremost cause of fatty liver disease. (Read the posted article, How to preclude a Fatty Liver.) After analyzing data on 126,000 habitancy for as long as 18 years, Harvard researchers calculated that compared to those who do not share in America’s beloved morning drink, habitancy who consume one to three cups of caffeinated coffee daily can cut diabetes risk by up to 10%. Having six cups or more each day slashed men’s diabetes risk by 54% and women’s by 30% over java abstainers.

Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, along with a group of compounds called quinines that when administered to lab rats, increased insulin sensitivity. This increased sensitivity improves the body’s response to insulin. Coffee also has large amounts of magnesium and the antioxidants, chlorogenic acid and tocopherols. Each has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, reducing the risk and severity of diabetes.

Possible Harm

As reported in the Harvard Women’s condition Watch, coffee is not completely devoid of risks. Caffeine, coffee’s main ingredient, is a mildly addictive stimulant with cardiovascular effects such as increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and occasional irregular heartbeat. Studies have been largely inconclusive with regard to coffee and its consequent on women’s condition issues such as breast health, gynecological cancers and osteoporosis. Coffee has also been reported to aggravate previously existing gastrointestinal ulcers.

Researchers are quick to point out that caffeine is a drug, and can be abused if used in place of a good night’s rest or a healthy diet. We each have our own thresholds for caffeine. Most habitancy can tolerate two cups of coffee each day without a problem. But any more than that may cause nervousness, rapid heartbeat, palpitations, sleeplessness and irritability. It can even lead to condition problems such as osteoporosis or high blood pressure. Additionally, skipping your usual morning cup of joe can lead to a caffeine withdrawal headache.

Brew Additives

The greater risk of coffee consumption lies with the ingredients typically added to java. Creating a “light and sweet” drink carries an entirely cut off set of hazards. Whipped cream, flavored syrups, half-and-half, sugar, sucralose and aspartame can contribute to diabetes, obesity, fatty liver disease and toxic liver reactions. Below are the statistics for a few coarse coffee additives:

· 2 tablespoons of flavored liquid nondairy creamer = 80 fat and 4 g fat.

· 1 tablespoon of plain liquid nondairy creamer = 25 calories, 2 g fat.

· 1 tablespoon half-and-half = 20 calories, 2 g fat.

· 1 tablespoon cream = 50 calories, 6 g fat.

· 1 tablespoon whipped cream = 90 calories, 9 g fat.

· A drizzle of Starbucks caramel syrup = 25 calories.

· 2 tablespoons flavored syrup = 80 calories, no fat.

· 2 tablespoons malt = 90 calories, 2 g fat.

· 1 tablespoon mocha syrup = 25 calories, .5 g fat.

· 1 teaspoon sugar = 15 calories.

If you prefer your coffee light and sweet, choose your additives wisely to sustain the restorative benefits offered by your beverage.

Putting it all Together

Individuals with pre-existing liver disease, or who are at high risk of its development, may want to think twice before sacrificing the enjoyment of a coffee ritual. While the proof of coffee reducing the risk of cirrhosis is wee to alcohol-related cirrhosis, its benefits transcend this one condition. In its entirety, this evidence supports coffee’s role in liver health. When selecting your beverage of choice, think coffee’s potential to cut insulin resistance, improve liver enzyme levels and preclude against liver cancer. As long as you do not harbor someone else risk factor to prohibit java consumption, saunter moderately and are aware of the additives you chose, feel good about lifting your beloved cup in sustain of your liver’s health.

References:, Coffee May Cut Alcohol Liver Damage, Reuters, June 13, 2006.

[], Coffee and Liver Cirrhosis, The Coffee Science data Centre, 2006., Coffee condition Risks: For the moderate drinker, coffee is safe says Harvard Women’s condition Watch, Harvard condition Publications, 2006., Coffee Consumption Reduces the Risk of Liver Cancer, April, 2005., Coffee, Caffeine Consumption related with Reduced Liver Disease, Karla Harby, Medscape medical News, May 2004., Coffee May preclude Liver Cancer: Should You Add it to Your Morning Routine?, Dr. Joseph Mercola, 2006., The Buzz on Coffee, Kathleen Zelman, Mph, Rd, Ld, WebMd, Inc, March 2006., Coffee, the new condition food?, Sid Kirchheimer, WebMd, Inc., March 2005.

great site Coffee's Liver Benefits

Respiratory Help Is ready For Seniors With Copd

As Hmos Continue to Drop Coverage for Seniors - Now Over 500,000 Victims - Those Needing costly Respiratory Medication, support and Homecare Services are the Hardest Hit

One patient Advocate, Geriatric Services of America, is Providing Relief to Victimized Patients straight through a Unique, Often No-Cost Program

More than 536,000 Us senior citizens are scrambling to find new doctors or new coverage because their condition plans done their Medicare managed-care services, according to a Nonrenewal article issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for the year 2002. Among the hardest hit are seniors in California (84,000), Florida (59,000), Pennsylvania (55,000), New Jersey (53,000), Texas (46,000), and Michigan (31,000), who will be losing coverage in the advent year. Even those with lasting coverage face colossal premium hikes and dwindling drug benefits. Particularly hard hit will be those with lasting illnesses such as respiratory disease, who will bear the brunt of high medication and healthcare costs.

Though all seniors 65 and older are covered by Medicare, those enrolled in managed-care programs agree to see doctors within a dinky network and receive additional benefits, such as prophylactic care and prescription-drug coverage. The current coverage crisis stems from rising delivery costs and dinky government reimbursement, as doctors and hospitals increasingly balk at finding Medicare Hmo patients, since they aren't sufficiently reimbursed for their services. Without sufficient doctors and hospitals providing care, an Hmo can't serve its members. The question is worst in large urban markets, where more than half of Medicare + choice beneficiaries live nationwide but where refund rate increases have trailed rising costs since 1997.

To compensate for the funding shortfall, premiums for seniors retaining Medicare Hmo coverage are startling to spike while benefits dwindle in the advent year. In California's Sacramento-area, for example, monthly premiums for Kaiser Permanente's Senior benefit Medicare Plan will double from to beginning Jan. 1st. Healthnet, following suit, is raising premiums 50 percent, from to per month for its Seniority Plus members in the area. Pacificare and Western condition Advantage, while holding monthly premiums at in their Sacramento-area Medicare plans, will eliminate brand name drug coverage next year.

Across the nation, seniors caught between rising premiums and shrinking coverage will find themselves in a similar bind. Even those with Medigap policies will feel the squeeze. Medigap policies A straight through J, for instance, have minimum approved benefit packages, and the H, I, and J plans covering prescriptions have annual drug caps ranging from ,250 to ,000.

For the 30 million Americans with a lasting Obstruction Pulmonary Disease (Copd) such as asthma, emphysema or cystic fibrosis - collectively the fourth prominent cause of death in the Us, however, help is available with Geriatric Services of America (Gsa), a national society aid society based in Tempe, Arizona which provides direct help and support to older Americans suffering from lasting respiratory disease. straight through its Respiratory Disease operate Program, Gsa provides entrance to a comprehensive range of special medication benefits, as well as support and homecare services, which eliminates out-of-pocket expenses for patients with traditional or supplemental assurance coverage.

Through Gsa's patient support center, nebulizers and respiratory medication are provided and paid for with free home delivery, comfortably packaged and ready to use. Gsa handles all paperwork, and clinical patient Care Coordinators work with doctors and assurance clubs once a patient has enrolled in the Respiratory Disease operate Program. Patients can enroll themselves in the program; there is nothing to buy, and no enrollment or membership fees.

Currently, Medicare, Aarp, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, and over 180 other insurers have special benefits for patients with respiratory disease. Gsa provides entrance to these benefits, and coordinates all elements of care to help patients, doctors, and assurance clubs combat respiratory disease.

At a time when Us seniors face restricted condition care access, rising premiums, and shrinking benefits, Gsa stands out as a welcome ally for those needing respiratory medication benefits, support, or homecare services. For more information about Gsa, or how man you know can enroll in this special wellcare program, write to 4812 South Mill Ave., Tempe, Az 85282; call 800-307-8048; fax 800-345-2425; or email Gary Rheault directly at

homepage Respiratory Help Is ready For Seniors With Copd homepage

Healthcare As A Tragedy

No.1 Article of Kaiser Medical

The tragedy of the commons refers to a dilemma described in an influential report by that name written by Garrett Hardin and first published in the journal Science in 1968. The report describes a situation in which multiple individuals, acting independently, and solely and rationally consulting their own self-interest, will ultimately deplete a shared puny reserved supply even when it is clear that it is not in anyone's long-term interest for this to happen.

This concept is at the heart of Donald Berwick's view of American Healthcare, and it is vital to insight and simplifying the incredibly dense language he uses to relate his plan.

Kaiser Medical

I wouldn't come out and say he is lying, as he is not, but he has made the entire issue so complex, using specialized language, that it is hard even for medical professionals to understand.

Healthcare As A Tragedy

As I have been discussing in my blog posts, the emphasis in American healthcare, given by specialists, is to maximize the benefit to the private patient. Treating them to the maximum extent inherent by money and technology. I have also shown how all many personal, pro and financial incentives align to make such rehabilitation beneficial to the doctor. The inpatient also regularly benefits, by living longer, as Americans survive longer with multiple diseases as compared with most other countries.

However, this relatively small increase in survival costs far more than other countries, money which must be diverted from other areas, both in and out of healthcare. That is the "tragedy of the commons", where the allinclusive health of the citizen may be worsened by laberious rehabilitation of the most ill.

Berwicks goal is to reallocate the way in which care is delivered, to sell out the amount given to any private patient, reducing costs. The language will be difficult to understand. Concepts like "best practices", emphasis on "primary care and prevention", "heath information technology", "integrators", "measurements" etc. Which are undoubtedly code words for changing how care is delivered.

The lowest line is that decisions will be taken out of the hands of the specialists who are now manufacture them, and given to panels that make decisions on a national level. Alarmist politicians accusing Obamacare of having "death panels", are undoubtedly talking about such national decision manufacture bodies. The accusations do have a grain of truth, in that healthcare for the individual, particularly the very sick one, may be curtailed, and some citizen may die after being denied care. However, by diverting some of the resources previously used to treat the dying to prevention, healthcare may get much better for the citizen as a whole. If Berwick has his way, the entire country will come to be like Kaiser healthplan. It will be great care, until you get sick.

I will talk more about some specifics to expect in the next few blogs.

helpful site Healthcare As A Tragedy

The Protocols of Sion # 2

No.1 Article of Kaiser Medical

-The Protocol plan 'will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such force that no cunning can any longer undermine it.' (Protocol 1) Gardner's 1999 book and those of Barrett and the Blandford Publishers would seem to make it no longer "invisible"!

-'Wars, so far as possible, should not follow in territorial gains.' (Protocol 2)

Kaiser Medical

-'(The) minds (of the masses) must be diverted toward industry and trade. Thus, all the nations will be swallowed up in the race of gain and.. .will not take note of their coarse foe.' (Protocol 14)

The Protocols of Sion # 2

-'We shall generate an intensified centralization of government,' (Protocol 5) '... We must found (a) Super-Government by representing it as the Protector and Benefactor of all those who voluntarily submit... Remember Hobbes, see Leviathan entry....We shall soon begin to found huge monopolies... '(Protocol 6)

-'The intensification of armaments, the growth of police forces... (so that) in all the States of the world, besides ourselves, (there will be) only the masses of the proletariat, operate psy-ops weapons developed in the last two decades the police and other enforcement of secret agencies under a variety of guises have expanded. Immigration, Patriot Act or thinking hygiene, psychological teams in schools, curative use of drugs, tax collectors [There were no revenue taxes when these Protocols were written.] and a whole host of investigation and environmental or regulatory bodies have generated massive readjustments and added bureaucratization. Even the computer security has dual and many affects that allow major invasions of freedoms often only imagined in the annals of human culture. Soon the use of human body parts, genes and dumping of synthetic and other implanted knowledge will occur directly.} a few millionaires devoted to our interests, police, and soldiers.' (Protocol 7)

-'We shall put (government power) in the hands of persons whose past and reputations are such that between them and the citizen lies an abyss, E.g. South America and the Nazis, or Bush family persons who, in case of disobedience to our instructions, must face criminal charges...' (Protocol 8)

-'We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the (masses) by rearing them in ideas and theories which are known to us to be false... '(Protocol 9)

-'We shall destroy among the (masses) the point of the house and its educational value.' (Protocol 10)

-'We have invented this whole course and insinuated it into the minds of the (masses)... customary Sin' of Augustine made huge inroads of house ability to raise each other. Women weren't allowed by law to come to be educated much less own things.} to accumulate in a roundabout way what is... Unattainable by the direct road... It is this which has served as the basis for our club of secret masonry which is not known to, and aims which are not even so much as suspected by, these... Cattle, attracted by us into the 'Show' army of Masonic Lodges in order to throw dust in the eyes of their fellows' (Protocol 11)

-What is the part played by the press today?... It serves selfish ends... It is often vapid, unjust, mendacious and the majority of the social have not the slightest idea what ends the press really serves. We shall saddle and ride it with a tight curb Not a single notification will reach the social without our control...'(Protocol 12)

-'The need for daily bread troops the (masses) to keep silent and be our humble servants In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are about we added distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, The use of gambling and drugs or other addictions like lotteries and bingo. people's palace (no Tv at that time). Soon we shall begin through the press to suggest competitions in art, in sports of all kinds...'(Protocol 13)

-'It will be undesirable for us that there should exist any other religion than ours... We must therefore sweep away all other forms of belief.' (Protocol 14) 'Freedom of conscience has been declared every- where, so that now only years divide us from the moment of the complete wrecking of that Christian religion, as to other religions we shall have less difficulty in dealing with them.'(Protocol 17)

maintain of science and advice to academia that we showed in the case of Rockefeller and Yale interests.}

-'When we at last surely come into our kingdom by the aid of 'coups d'etat' prepared everywhere for one and the same day...we shall make it our task to see that against us such things as plots shall no longer exist. The success of monopolistic and imperialistic or economic [Fed, Imf etc.] made a unification unwarranted but what about space colonization and gene therapy or other technology they didn't have at their disposal? With this purpose we shall slay without mercy all who take arms in hand to oppose our coming... Anyone like a secret community will also be punishable with death..."(Protocol 15)

The Gestapo had a lot of citizen help and the Nazis of Germany would be impressed with the denial of citizens going on today. There are strong indicators of major dependencies which lead away from leisure and citizen aren't even aware they aren't free due to the legalization and forced attendance at school not in existence in the time these ideas were formulated.
-'In our schedule one-third of (the masses) will keep the rest under consideration from a sense of duty, on the principle of volunteer service to the State. Machiavelli might say giving citizen perceived power to fill in on others appeals to a lot of basic human urges. It will be no disgrace to be a spy and informer, but a merit... How else (are) we to. .. Increase... Disorders?' (Protocol 17) 'Sedition-mongering is nothing more than the yapping of a lap-dog at an elephant... In order to destroy the prestige of heroism, for political crime we shall send it for trial in the category of thieving, murder and every kind of abominable and filthy crime. The invocation of National Interest, growth in mutiny of the sea, fomentation of racial prejudices and the like served well for a century or more. social conception will then... Brand it with the same contempt.' (Protocol 19) 'Until (dissenters) commit some overt act we shall not lay a finger on them but only introduce into their midst consideration elements...' (Protocol 18)

administration and encouragement to generate a whipping dog to keep others from questioning whether the government was fair and open to criticism. Then they were brought down from within.}

Later Protocols deal with finances. Protocol 20 called for normal taxation, 'the lawful confiscation of all sums of every kind for the regulation of their circulation in the State.' This would be followed by a 'progressive tax on property' and then finally a graduated revenue tax, a 'tax addition in a percentage ratio to capital' as well as taxes on sales, 'receipt of money', inheritance, and property transfers. The lack of actual taxes paid by the very rich allows added question. For example Rupert Murdoch is able to get favorite status by the creation of Congressional allowances just for him. Donations to the agencies of the Masons or churches are tax free and the venture in safe bet things they wanted allowed tax avoidance. There was a discussion of 'the substitution of interest-bearing paper:' money since 'Economic crises have been produced by us... By no other means than the resignation of money from circulation.'

The Protocols also discuss at great length - loans, which it states 'hang like a sword of Damocles over the heads of rulers, who, instead of taking from their subjects by a temporary tax, come begging with outstretched palm to our bankers.'...

Despite their dubious origin, the Protocols were taken seriously by many distinguished people, along with Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm Ii, Russia's Czar Nicholas Ii, and American industrialist Henry Ford, who used them to persuade the U.S. Senate not to join President Wilson's League of Nations.

The Ochrana's plan worked a bit too well. A counterrevolution took place and pogroms against Russian Jews were instituted by vigilantes called 'The Black Guard', incensed by the Czarist propaganda. Lasting instability and violence finally resulted in the 1905 Russian Revolution, during which the Protocols again were trotted out by pro-czarist elements to inflame the public.

Hitler saw the Protocols as a real notification despite the evidence of fabrication. In Mein Kampf he wrote, 'They are supposed to be a 'forgery' the Frankfurter Zeitung moans and cries out to the world once a week; the best proof that they are genuine after all... But the best annotation applied to them is reality. He who examines the historical amelioration of the past hundred years, from the points of view of this book (the Protocols), will also immediately understand the clamor of the Jewish press. For once this book has come to be the coarse property of a people, the Jewish danger is bound to be determined as broken.'

Author Konrad Heiden, an anti-Nazi contemporary of Hitler, while denying the authenticity of the Protocols, also saw a safe bet reality there. 'Today the forgery is incontrovertibly proved, yet something infinitely vital has remained: a textbook of world domination... The great principle of inequality fights to maintain its rule; Is the principle of inequality behind Nietzsche's 'radical aristocracy'? the ruling class philosophy of a natural hierarchy, of innate differences between men. Once this principle is expressed in the form of historical events, it also soon assumes the aspect of conspiracy... report is admitted to demonstrate the league of Hegelian/Machiavellian/ Fukayama/Hobbesian/Wagnerians is at least the neo-Platonic similarity and real lock-step 'old boy network' that refutes any conception of Love and Brotherhood egalitarianism. Yet some call citizen like me conspiratorialists for pointing these real facts out?}The spirit of the Protocols, therefore, contains historical truth, though all the facts put forward in them are forgeries.'

It is the possibility of "historical truth" which has kept the Protocols in circulation since its inception. Today, contemporary conspiracy writers see it as a real schedule predating Nazism or Communism. Some claim the Frenchman Joly naturally incorporated in his book concepts he picked up as a secret community member. Author David Icke saw a 'remarkable resemblance' between the Protocols and confiscated secret documents of the mysterious Bavarian Illuminati of the late eighteenth century. 'I call them the Illuminati Protocols,' wrote Icke, with some justification considering the numerous Masonic references in them.

The authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail had an even more thoughprovoking take on the Protocols. They noted the original Nilus edition contained references to a king as well as a "Masonic kingdom," concepts clearly not of Jewish origin. I think a lot of Masonry is really linked to Noahdist Hebrew rituals. Furthermore, it terminated with the statement, 'Signed by the representatives of Sion of the 33rd degree.'...

The Protocols may really reflect a deeper conspiracy beyond its intended use to encourage anti-Semitism, one secret within the secret upper ranks of the Illuminati and Freemasonry.

In the summer of 1917 a young Estonian Jew Was he a Jew or a Benjaminite/ Merovingian? named Alfred Rosenberg was a trainee in Moscow where he was given a copy of the Protocols by a stranger. Following the Russian Revolution the following year, the anti-Bolshevik Rosenberg fled to Germany where he used the book to gain entry to a secret community in Munich, a move which was to have far-reaching effects for the world.

In late 1918 Rosenberg presented the Protocols to an aging Munich newspaper publisher named Dietrich Eckart. A boozing bon vivant and one of Germany's best known poets at the time, Eckart was enthralled by this plan for world domination. He introduced Rosenberg to fellow members of the 'Thule Gesellschaft' or Thule Society, a "literary discussion" group founded by a Baron Rudolf Freiherr von Sebottendorff. an additional one Atlantis location and probably settled north of Ireland where the citizen of Eire colonized and maintained its ties to the spiritual town of Tara. It would be possible that it was whether a larger Iceland although Plutarch thinks this was known as Ogygia. Ogygia means ancient ones and was probably a later designation. Thule might have been the Faroes or Orkneys or other islands at a time when the ocean was lower and there was no North Sea. These places would thus, like Iceland have been larger. The prominent thing here is the Thule group was not anti-Rosenberg and therefore not anti-Semitic in toto but perhaps anti-Israelites-who threw Benjaminites out of Palestine.} The community proved to be merely a front for a more secret society, the Germanenorden or German Order. Both were anti-Semitic nationalist organizations laced with beliefs in the supernatural. Eckart claimed to be a "Christian mystic" who, agreeing to an article written by Rosenberg after Eckart's death, was knowledgeable of the ancient Indian lore of Cosmic Consciousness (Atman) and the idea that reality is really an illusion (Maya).

Sebottendorff, Eckart, and others within the Thule community were greatly influenced by the beliefs of the most prominent twentieth century occult group--the Theosophical Society." (2)

But the Theosophists are just a social outreach from other more sinister elements.


Rule by Secrecy, by Jim Marrs, 2001 Perennial Books edition, Harper Collins, Ny, pgs. 140-153.

basics The Protocols of Sion # 2

vigor medical - Alternative medical That Will Keep the Doctors Away

Energy curative is relatively a new term for most westerners. This term probably sounds a miniature bit strange to most people. When you were young, you were told that doctors will heal you, not energy. Well, the world seems to shrink, and we learn new things every day, it seems that more and more strange things have become our daily consumption now. Before The Beatles in the sixties, not many westerners heard Yoga before. Now, they are teaching Yoga in Beverly Hills and Manhattan.

Alternative curative has becoming beloved in the United States since late eighties. More habitancy took Yoga classes, learned meditation and practiced Chi Gong. Big major hospitals such as Va Hospitals, Kaiser Hospitals encouraged their patients to comprise meditation session as a salvage program.

Energy curative with physical activities such as in Chi Gong and Yoga, gently shifted to finer form of curative obtained straight through meditation such as Reiki meditation healing. The view is real simple. You get an initiation from a competent master teacher, get your chakras activated and entrance the Divine energy just like that and channel it to your body or to others.

As far as disease itself, a human will have problems in his or her energy field before the diseases materialize in his or her physical body. This is the best time to heal yourself or help heal others, before the disease get into physical bodies. It's best not to use this alternative curative as a substitute to the modern condition care. It should be used only as a complimentary to the modern medicine.

Energy curative will help to accelerate the salvage agenda because it improves your immune system. habitancy who usually meditates and do 15 - 20 minutes self curative session every day live healthier, look younger and are commonly happier than the ones who don't. Let's start now, make a meditation and self curative session as a part of your daily routine. 15 minutes session a day will keep the doctors away.

go here vigor medical - Alternative medical That Will Keep the Doctors Away go here