Tuesday, September 11, 2012

health Care Reform - Misguided Trust

No.1 Article of Kaiser Medical

It is estimated Americans will spend over trillion this year on condition insurance, pharmaceutical drugs and curative bills. According to the Kaiser family Foundation within eight years, America's condition care costs will soar to .1 trillion annually. Americans spend more for condition care than any other nation in the world, yet, America is not the healthiest nation in the world. American ranks 34th in the world for baby mortality and 42nd for life expectancy.

Newsweek magazine reports that side effects from prescription drugs are now the fourth important cause of death in the U.S. The Ama reported that 750,000 people die annually from prescription drugs - not from the disease for which the drugs were prescribed.

Kaiser Medical

America is the most drugged nation in the world, and it is legal drugs that are the problem. But it is not just the psychotropic drugs and painkillers Americans consume like candy. It is also the Statin drugs, antibiotics, blood pressure drugs, sex enhancing drugs and vaccines that are also exacting a toll on our health. people take them because they think they make them healthy, but, to the contrary people take them because they are unhealthy.

health Care Reform - Misguided Trust

The fact is that the United States is the most heavily vaccinated people in the world and coincidently plagued with the top occurrence of autism, diabetes and asthma in the world. What is wrong with this picture?

With the largest vaccination schedule in the world, it would seem that the U.S. Would have the lowest death rates and the best health. However, the U.S. Ranks 34th in baby mortality, falling behind such 3rd world countries as Croatia and Crete.

Gary Null, curative analyst warns, "A definitive quote and close reading of the curative peer-review journals, and government condition statistics shows that...the amount of people having in-hospital, adverse drug reactions (Adr) to prescribed medicine is 2.2 million. The amount of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually for viral infections is 20 million. The amount of unnecessary curative and surgical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million. The amount of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million."

Chronic disease is on the rise in excellent step with the growing curative system. Forty-eight percent of men and thirty-eight percent of women are anticipated to have cancer. Eight percent of children suffer from serious food allergies. Twenty percent of children are on schedule Ii pharmaceutical drugs, and a third of low-income preschool children are overweight or obese. Heart disease, asthma, allergies, diabetes, reasoning illness, cancer and obesity rates are spiraling upwards among all sectors of the population.

Americans spend about 10 percent of their disposable wage on food. Other countries ordinarily spend more than Americans. Japanese spends, on average, 13 percent. France spends 14 percent, China, 28 percent and India spends 39%.

Currently the U.S. Spends 16 percent of its gross domestic product on condition care. More than any other country. The World condition club ranks the U.S. At 37th in condition outcomes.

The best time to create and contend good condition is before you have a diagnosable disease or disorder. You can not afford to wait for curative science to fumble upon the pharmaceutical acknowledge with 25 - 30 serious side effects. If you are waiting for the curative miracle drug cure for cancer and still eating a junk diet and living a sedentary lifestyle the analysis is bleak. If you are relying on the Fda to furnish what is safe while you use products daily that have 'Fda approved' toxins in them, you may be bailing out your boat without stopping the leak.

If you accept the fact that the Epa only allows 0.1 mcg per kg of mercury in your diet yet you permit 25 mcg of mercury to be injected directly into your arm with one-single flu shot, you will be horrified to find out in the time to come that there are long-term side effects to placing toxic metals in your body.

The fact is that without government subsidization U.S. Food costs would be much higher. Government subsidization typically targets the inorganic and the most toxic end of the food supply. This leaves organic food producers competitive for store sales in a slanted playing field. Thus, forcing the majority of the U.S. people to be controlled by Government subsidized poor potential food. See documentary: Food, Inc.

Regardless, it is still your option what you check out of the grocery store. It is still your option to contend condition rather than look for a miracle cure or a 'quick fix.'

her explanation health Care Reform - Misguided Trust

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